All right...
I am going to do a stream of consciousness thing and not edit what I write. That's the best way and the only way that I can describe how I'm feeling these days.
Winter always turns me into a hermit. I like to sleep, hang out by myself, read, have tonnes of baths, drink a lot, and never wear jeans or do my hair. But my mom has done a fabulous job of forcing me to be human and get out of the house. At first, it was annoying. I just wanted to be left alone. But soon I started to enjoy it. And then I got a fish tank, and the same thing happened with my dad. We started hitting up fish stores a few times per week. It was good for both of us. And now... I am closer to my parents than I have ever been to. I enjoy being with them.
I find myself calling my parents now.
"Hey, Mom, let's go to the library!"
"Hey Dad, wanna go to Petsmart?"
My mom and dad are kind, funny, FUN people. My dad has always been particularly stingy with his money. I wouldn't say he's cheap... but he's... okay, well, he's sort of cheap. However, the two of us now share an aquarium hobby and are continually buying each other things for our tanks. It's just so different from the father I knew before, and it's lovely. My mom tells me she loves me and misses me and tells me that seeing me is her priority—what a feeling.
I really haven't seen any friends in quite a while. Hopefully, they don't think I've stopped caring about them, because that's not it at all. It seems this happens every winter. I get into this funk where I don't want to leave the house, and then it becomes hard to break. I go so long without socializing that it's hard to break out of it. When my primary interaction of the day is thanking the cashier at Safeway... I know something is wrong. But it's so hard to dig me out of it!
I am going to do a stream of consciousness thing and not edit what I write. That's the best way and the only way that I can describe how I'm feeling these days.
Winter always turns me into a hermit. I like to sleep, hang out by myself, read, have tonnes of baths, drink a lot, and never wear jeans or do my hair. But my mom has done a fabulous job of forcing me to be human and get out of the house. At first, it was annoying. I just wanted to be left alone. But soon I started to enjoy it. And then I got a fish tank, and the same thing happened with my dad. We started hitting up fish stores a few times per week. It was good for both of us. And now... I am closer to my parents than I have ever been to. I enjoy being with them.
I find myself calling my parents now.
"Hey, Mom, let's go to the library!"
"Hey Dad, wanna go to Petsmart?"
My mom and dad are kind, funny, FUN people. My dad has always been particularly stingy with his money. I wouldn't say he's cheap... but he's... okay, well, he's sort of cheap. However, the two of us now share an aquarium hobby and are continually buying each other things for our tanks. It's just so different from the father I knew before, and it's lovely. My mom tells me she loves me and misses me and tells me that seeing me is her priority—what a feeling.
I really haven't seen any friends in quite a while. Hopefully, they don't think I've stopped caring about them, because that's not it at all. It seems this happens every winter. I get into this funk where I don't want to leave the house, and then it becomes hard to break. I go so long without socializing that it's hard to break out of it. When my primary interaction of the day is thanking the cashier at Safeway... I know something is wrong. But it's so hard to dig me out of it!
I'm not the greatest daughter, or the most generous friend, or the most extraordinary person. In fact, I'm pretty mediocre. But aren't we all? Nothing is amazing about any of us, but there is something unique about each of us. Each of us matters to those who love us. Those people would be devastated without us in their lives.
What a thought.