Thursday, October 08, 2020

When a New Person Makes Your Day

My new job is with a massive company. Because of the building's size, most staff are forced to park on the street all around the building and beyond. They have a permanent shuttle service guy who drives around all day, transporting people to and from their vehicles. This morning he picked me up. He was warm, friendly, and outgoing, and I immediately thought, "What a perfect man for the job." 

I told him it was no problem, the walk was good for me, and he didn't need to stop for me. He replied, "Please, ma'am, get in. If I can't drive you to the office, then I have no job!" He said it with a smile on his face, so I knew he was being playful, but it sparked a conversation between us. He told me he had been out of work for six months and just started this job. I told him I had been out of work for eight months and just started this job. We both laughed at our luck.

"There is only so much big screen TV you can watch before you go crazy. At some point, work is the best possible thing for us," he said as he pulled up to the front doors of the office.

After work, he spotted me exiting the building, so he honked his horn. I laughed and got in. When he asked what time I usually arrive in the morning, I told him 8:30, and he said he would look for me to see if I needed more rides. 

I couldn't tell you what I was thinking throughout the rest of today. But those few minutes with that man made me feel something really positive—hope, joy, silliness, comfort. 

Today was a good day, all thanks to a random shuttle driver.